Monday, September 25, 2006

"Your embryos will be driving by tomorrow"

The embryologists reports that seven of the nine embryos are thriving, and two are a little slower to develop. Having 100% of your embryos is pretty much unheard of, so this is great news. There's reason to hope that we will be able to transfer two and freeze a few for our future attempts. Evidently they look SO good that Dr. Couchman got nervous about screwing up the transfer of such beautiful embryos- and did a "trial run" so she'll be ready to go at 9 am. I am not worried. She's done three transfers with me before, and we've never had a problem. For any of you that are curious, the transfer procedure is very simple in comparison to the retrieval. Basically they thread a tiny tube through your cervix and deposit the embryos suspended in a few drops of fluid in your uterus. I once heard a metaphor that greatly alleviated my fears that they might "fall out"- evidently, it is like inserting a sesame seed into the middle of a peanut butter sandwich- it's not going anywhere.

On another note, I had a conversation with Dr. Brown, the head of the Maternal-Fetal medicine program at Duke, about whether it is advisable for us to transfer two blasts (as this would give us about a 25% chance of twins, theoretically, at least!)
He feels that this is the right decision, and the kinds of precautions we will take will be in place regardless of whether there is one or two. The only difference is that the restrictions on my lifestyle might be more stringent with twins. Given that I will probably not breathe, let alone do anything remotely risky, for nine months the next time I get pregnant, I'm not terribly worried about the difference between total bedrest and almost-total bedrest. It will be the challenge of my lifetime either way- but well worth it. So that will be a good problem to have one day. For now, I am just focusing on getting to tomorrow!


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